Healthy Living

Let There Be Light

Ask yourself: How often do I spend time in the sunshine?

Every day? Most days? A few times a week?  Or rarely?

A golden sunflower stands tall against a warm, glowing sunset, its petals illuminated by the fading light.

It is possible to shut yourself away from the sun, even though there is abundance of sunlight. Sunlight is essential for human health. There many benefits of sunlight. Take a look:

  • Generates the production of Vitamin D

  • Supports bone health

  • Maintains right level of blood pressure

  • Promotes good mental health

With present day civilization it is possible to avoid the sun for several days. From the heavy curtains at home, to a shaded car screened- (tinted glass) from the sun, chauffeur driven, let off at the door to the building into an air-conditioned office all day till night! This cycle may repeat itself for several days a week. Keep in mind that the blessings of nature such as the sun can be gotten only as we get out and get it. The artificial lightings in the office cannot replace the sun itself.

How about your living rooms and bedrooms? If you leave home before sunshine and get back late at night your room may not see sunlight at all

So, open your windows pull back the curtains and let the sunshine in! It will kill germs, lift your spirits, and enhance your health.

Let the sunlight in!

Sunlight warms the living room, gently swaying sheer curtains.

Marian O Atolagbe, ND

+234 903 258 0513