A respectable author wrote very clearly that - “ The body is the only medium through which the mind and the soul are developed for the up-building of the character. Whatever injures the health, not only lessens physical vigor, but tends to weaken the mental and moral powers’’ The Ministry of Healing p 128, 130.

She also asserted -“It is far better to prevent disease than to know how to treat it when contracted. It is the duty (privilege) of every person… to inform himself in regard to the laws of life”. The Ministry of Healing 128

So, I should pray as the Psalmist –“Teach me how to live” Ps. 27:11

The WHO defines health to be more than just absence of disease, but “Physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being”

Do you know that what you eat affects your health in all these areas- not just the physical (which seems very obvious), but also mental, social, and spiritual well-being? There’s a close connection between the mind and body: when one is affected, the other sympathizes. We surely understand that the condition of the mind affects the health to a greater degree. But do you know that the food you choose to eat affects your mind, thereby deciding your character-what you are.

Proverbs 17; 26 Says “ A merry heart does good like a medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bone”. To be healthy you must be happy. To be happy you must be healthy. A healthy diet is an important component of achieving the four dimensions of life harmoniously- i.e. the physical, social, mental and spiritual. The other underlying component of which a healthy diet is part of are: Physical activity and a right good environment.

Each of the four dimensions of life- which decides who you really are- depends upon the correct working of these underlying health components. It is a healthy body and mind that lay the foundation for all creative expressions, social interactions and spiritual insight. (Even Eastern religion advocates understand this). It is the balanced development of all four of these integrated aspects of life that result in optimum health, long life and inner peace.

By now you should be asking what then is a healthy diet, what types of physical activity give the best result and what environment am I talking about?

Despite so many food fads you may encounter on the Internet, TV adverts, or “they say”- the one proven, evidenced based healthy diet is very simple. It is primarily a plant-based diet of unrefined foods, i.e., whole grains, nuts, beans, fruits and vegetables eaten daily. When you accumulate 30+ minutes of brisk walk and stretching- flexibility exercise 2+ times per week, combined with pure air, pure water and regular moderate exposure to sunlight you have laid the foundation for a healthy body weight and you will then be able to get adequate rest of 7-8 hours of sleep at night.

You will be stable enough to be free of dependencies such as smoking, alcohol or drugs use. Your outlook will be happy, contented and positive. You will have good coping skills. It is when you are thus balanced that others will be happy not when you leave but when you arrive. Family and friends will appreciate you as a stable social support in the community. Only those who are thus stable have faith, hope, love and can give genuine service to God.

We have the example of Daniel and his three friends in the Bible. They chose to eat pulse which is beans and vegetables and not only their countenances were fairer and fatter than those who ate the kings rich foods but they were wiser in all understanding ten times better than even the astrologers and so called wise men. Dan. 1:18-20

There are other side effects that you will get as result of this optimum health. You will live a healthy life of 10-12 years longer than those who don’t adopt these health principles. Many people wait until emergencies- ill health forces them to begin to try to accept a healthy diet or to exercise, but by then its more difficult and so much of life has been lost and only few recover.

I therefore urge you to accept and take the right good choice on health today. Begin to choose plant-based whole foods. Take less of refined-highly processed foods. Shop for more fruits instead of candies, cakes and such items. They are rightly called junk foods. Drink more water instead of soda (soft drinks), and don’t drink alcohol. Do not smoke. When shopping for additional foods to supplement foods served at school get some raw nuts, seeds, keep some money for fresh fruits and raw vegetables like carrots, and cucumbers.

The choice is yours. Health is not by chance but by choice. Decide who you want to be by the choice of healthy foods.

Marian O. Atolagbe, ND,

+234 903 258 0513