Testimony Corner: Renewed Strength

It has been such a joy and blessing to continue my diet reform journey as I have been amazed by the results simple recipes produce, either by cooking or baking. Many things have stuck with me now, such as that ginger is best eaten as medicine, while garlic can be used often for cooking. Oh the great smell and taste garlics give every meal!

I've learned it's best to eat your pepper raw, especially cayenne pepper as it is when eaten raw we get the best benefits.

I have found that one does not need a huge budget to walk the healthy eating path (which to me is the cheapest) as you only get the basic items you need for less. Let me share some more great benefits I have enjoyed. Recently, when I was admitted to hospital, the Dr. noticed a stitch from a surgery I had done earlier on, he remarked that was healing fast! That's a wonder of eating healthily! In addition, I get better sleep at night, and whenever I can.

I have even noticed I have so much energy during my workouts!

Mrs Ogheneochoku