Channels of Elimination III

The state of your colon health is one of the primary indicators that tells of your overall health than any other organ in your body. In our previous articles we looked at the seven channels of elimination. We found that the colon is one of them.

A clean, healthy, and well-toned colon is essential to your well being, for it is through your colon that you eliminate the toxic by-products of digestion as well as absorb a significant portion of the essential nutrients from your food. The purpose of this article is to understand better how the colon works.

The colon is part of the digestive system, it is the lower end of the intestine. The colon is also called the large intestine. The ileum (last part of the small intestine) connects to the cecum (first part of the colon) in the lower right abdomen. The rest of the colon is divided into four parts. The ascending colon travels up the right side of the abdomen. The colon receives almost completely digested food from the cecum, absorbs water and nutrients, and passes waste (stool or feces) to the rectum. Ions and nutrients released by gut bacteria and dissolved in water are also absorbed in the large intestine and used by the body for metabolism. The dried, condensed fecal matter is finally stored in the rectum and sigmoid colon until it can be eliminated from the body through the process of defecation.

A lot depends on the health of this part of the intestine and there should be no doubt about the relation between the health of the intestinal tract and health in the rest of the body. Intestinal management probably is the most important thing a person can learn in a health-building routine. Some of the most important functions of life take place in the intestines. Through it, worn out cells are eliminated and new cell structures have their beginning.

So this means that if there are problems in the colon then there will be problems in other areas of the body. The famous Dr. Harvey Kellogg of the Battle Creek Sanitarium in the hey days of natural health care said he knew of many cases in which operations were prevented by cleansing and are due to improper functioning of the colon. He also observed that of the 22,000 operations he personally performed, he never found a single normal colon, and of the 100,000 performed under his jurisdiction, not over 6% were normal. Sir Arbulhnol Lane, MD of London showed the relation between bowel stasis and disease. He left no doubt as to how seriously he regarded the effects of intestinal intoxication when he said, “ The lower end of the intestine is the size that requires emptying every six hours, but by habit we retain its contents twenty-four hours. The result is ulcers and cancer”

How does a healthy colon look?

A healthy colon structure will be patent. The passage will be clear. That is, there will be no inflammation, which is Colitis, no polyps or abnormal growth as in diverticula. It won’t prolapse as in prolapsus or prolapsus with pressure(a situation where the transverse colon has fallen over onto the ascending colon). There won’t be spasm and no stricture as if there are kinks in the walls of the colon. Keep in mind that it is through your colon that you eliminate the toxic by-products of digestion as well as absorbed significant portion of the essential nutrients from your food. Any abnormality in structure affects its ability to expel feces; thereby toxins are retained and reabsorbed into the blood. The residues hang in there like a water-soaked log.

Healthy foods will help the colon and do the best for the body if they are properly digested. The fact is even the best health foods and vitamins in the world are of little value if they are undigested. When the colon is clogged in any way, the entire metabolic process slows down. Many slow metabolisms and under-active thyroids can be traced to an impacted colon. As a result of slow metabolism, nutrients lose their value and begin to putrefy causing toxic by-products to build up which results in what is known as malabsorption syndrome.

Mal-absorption and Mal-nutrition.

When a body’s ability to absorb nutrients is impaired, we develop malnutrition, multiple nutritional deficiencies, even when we are eating the best of foods. When your body begins to accumulate toxins faster than your body’s eliminatory channels are able to dispose of them, we call this the disease process. It is for this reason that many leading health authorities believe that both health and disease start in the colon. That makes colon irrigation often necessary in the reversal and maintenance of health because colon toxicity is paramount to beginning of any health reversal routine.

Is there a way to test for colon toxicity?

The sure test for colon toxicity is what is called the “Indian Test”, which is a scientific laboratory test done by screening urine. That is not available easily. What you can do is to do a Colon Health Self Analysis. This will give a good idea if the colon irrigation treatments should be considered.

How is the Colon Health Self Analysis done?

These are 28 questions. The response to these questions will indicate if a colon irrigation treatment is needed. Questions such as “ How many bowel movements do you usually have each day?" “How large are your stools around?” What is the color of your stool?” “How many hours does it usually take for your food to move from your mouth to elimination?.” “Do you have cold hands or cold feet?” “Do you feel weak after a bowel movement?.” “Do you have skin problems?” ,“Do you have intestinal gas, flatulence or belching? “ “Do you have heart burn?” Do you have ulcers?” “ Do you have bad breath?’ “ Do you have coated tongue?” “Is your abdomen bloated?” “Do you have bad taste in your mouth?” “Do you lack energy?” “Is your urine a dark yellow? “Do you have body odor?” and so on.

These are many questions that almost every one will answer yes to, to two or more if not all. Is this why there are so many tired people around?

From all indications this is why. When the colon is so encrusted that it cannot eliminate its deadly waste materials in a timely fashion, tremendous amounts of bio-energy are expended in order to keep you from poisoning yourself to death. Most people are not aware of the energy requirements in digestion and elimination. Most people feel a great increase in energy once the bowel gets cleared out properly. This is because the energy that had to be used in defending the body from the onslaught of toxins is now free to live life abundantly.

How often should we have bowel movement for optimum health?

Most colon authorities agree that we should have one bowel movement for each meal. Anything less than three bowel movements a day when you eat three times day is constipation. Food should move through your body at a relatively even rate of speed. The digestion process starts with peristaltic action initiated by chewing food and continues until elimination. In the healthy colon, this takes 24-36 hours. If your food goes through your system faster, this usually indicates that an accumulated layer of debris is preventing your colon from digesting food. If digestion takes more time, then impactions in the colon or distortion of the colon are usually slowing the process down.

Your body is God-given, it's God's creation, it is your duty to care for it. Remember, health is not by chance but by consciously obeying God's laws is health.

Marian O Atolagbe, ND

+234 903 258 0513