Channels of Elimination I : The Lungs and kidneys.

 Doctors and health care givers often send you to the diagnostic laboratory to take blood sample to know what is going on in your body. From the Bible we know that "the Life of the flesh is in the blood…” Lev.17: 11. The state of your blood is therefore a great indicator of what is going on in your body; whether you are healthy or not. Any substance that makes your blood impure therefore is a poison that can cause sickness and eventually death. Without good blood you cannot have good health.  However, avoiding all substances that can poison the blood is impossible. God has put into your body specific procedures to clean your blood. Today we want to look at this mechanism that cleans your blood and protects you from poisoning your body.


Since we cannot totally avoid ingesting substances that make our blood impure, how does our body clean itself out?

Yes, it is not possible to totally avoid substances that are potential poisons for our blood and therefore our bodies. There are specific organs of the human system that are responsible for preserving and maintaining the purity of the blood. When the blood is cleansed and vitalized, it carries life and vigor to every part of the system; therefore, the purity of the blood within the human organism is dependent on the harmonious working relationships between the eliminator or excretory organs. Our body cleans itself out if we carefully, by right habits preserve the life force, keeping the delicate mechanism of the body in order. Then the result is health.


Question is, do we  have a part to play to help our  organs do their delicate work well?

Absolutely! God has endowed us with a certain amount of vital force. He has also formed us with organs suited to maintain the various functions of life, and He designed that these organs would work together in harmony. If we carefully preserve the life force, and keep the delicate mechanism of the body in order, the result is health; but if the vital force is too rapidly exhausted, the nervous system borrows power for the present use from its resources of strength, and when one organ is injured, all are affected. Nature bears much abuse without apparent resistance; she then arouses and makes a determined effort to remove the effects of the ill treatment she has suffered. Her efforts to correct these conditions are often manifest in fever and various other forms of sickness.


Which organs are specifically in charge of this cleaning work?

We refer to them as the seven channels of elimination. They are the lungs, kidneys, lymphatic system, blood, skin, liver and colon. These are the organs that help to keep the blood in a purified condition.


Let's take a look at each of these organs that we may appreciate how they do their work and also that you may know how best to enhance their work for optimum health.

The first are your lungs. Your lungs are regulated by a center in your brain directing your lungs to send out into the body life giving supplies and receive back the wastes. The lungs oxygenate all the cells while also serving as the garbage (Dust bin) dump. So it’s the lungs that rid your cells of carbon dioxide, which forms from the wastes of metabolism (i.e. Processing of your food). The amount of CO2 determines the rate of breathing. Deep breathing and full exhalation and physical exercise is a simple habit you can cultivate to enhance your O2 intake and CO2 removal. “Trees are the earth’s lungs, and rustling leaves their breathing” says Dr. Rudolf Hauschka.  Green leaves feed upon carbon monoxide, the toxic, sometimes-incomplete combustion of petroleum and other products. Green leaves provide excellent source of Vitamin A, so necessary to maintain elasticity in lung membranes.


Ever wondered why we yawn?

Like prayer, breathing is unceasing.  The Bible says pray without ceasing” 1 Thess. 5:17. God’s design for breathing is the same for praying. It is to become an automatic response. Our brain uses 25% of the oxygen brought in through the lungs. When there’s a deficiency the urge to take a deep breath is the yawn. It is the brain calling for more oxygen. The same as when you feel deficiency to pray to God for help.


We have talked about the lung. Which organ is the second one?

The Kidneys.  Your ability to live efficiently and happily is directly related to the amount of water you drink.  Life ceases when you lose about 20% water. Water? Kidney? You wonder. Your lungs clean the blood by removing CO2. This fresh oxygenated blood is pumped into your heart. Then two major arteries- (blood vessels)- carry the blood into your kidneys at a rate of 2,000 quarts or (2,000 liters) every 24 hours. The average adult has only about 5 quarts -5 liters- of blood, it is obvious that one’s total blood supply goes through the kidneys about 400 times every 24 hours. This constant pumping action keeps you and your heart well. By drinking enough water every day, you help your kidneys do their job. On warm days you will need more water. In order to maintain your water balance you need to drink only 5 or 8 glasses. But it is safer to drink more than that- even twice that amount. Unless you have heart or kidney failure, your kidneys will get rid of any excess water. We recommend 10 glasses of water daily. If not that your kidneys do the recycling you will need to drink 800 glasses of water a day. Don’t wait until you are thirsty. Thirst in humans is not an accurate indication of the body’s need for water.


What is a suggested routine to get the water in?

You should get in the habit of drinking two glasses of water when you first get up in the morning. It is best not to drink at mealtime, especially iced water. Allow the period of 15 minutes or more before mealtime and one hour or more after meals for your digestive function to get under way. Water dilutes the digestive juices, makes the food-mix in the stomach too thin, and otherwise impairs digestion. Between breakfast and lunch drink at least two glasses of water. In between lunch and dinner another two, then another one or two before retiring. Drink more on warm days. If you feel hungry before mealtime drink water instead of snacking..

Water is a powerful and indispensable cleanser used by the kidney to clean our blood.


The Lymphatic system.

Our third body janitor or cleaning crewmember is the lymphatic system. The lymph or tissue fluid is a clear, transparent fluid that surrounds every cell in the body. The prime purpose of the lymphatic system is to drain away from the tissues any extra protein, which has escaped from the blood vessels, and ultimately to return it to the blood. There are nodes along lymphatic vessels that get enlarged when the body’s burden of toxins becomes greater than the lymphatic system can wall off and process.


Is there any way to help the enlarged nodes?

Instead of surgical procedure as is sometimes done when misdiagnosed, you can eliminate heavy protein from the diet temporarily, while cleansing and resting the system with a simplified diet or a short juice fast while detoxifying, often resolves the problem.

 In the next article, we shall address the other eliminatory channels.


Health is not the result of chance, but of obedience to the laws of health.

Marian O Atolagbe, ND

+234 903 258 0513