
You will be amazed to know how simple it is to take personal responsibility for your health and well being. You will understand the simple principles of health. These principles are very doable (achievable). Just 8 principles! These are the ways to preserve health and to regain health. They are –Pure Air, sunlight, self control, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power. These are the true remedies.

These principles apply to every one including children. In my practice I have met several parents who adopt these principles of life but deny their children thinking that it is only adults who have health issues that need these heaven sent way of living. They are for every son and daughter of Adam! Both old, middle age, young adult, youth, children, infants and babies. We are made from dust and today science is discovering what the Word of God already gave you. Choose the best nutrient dense foods. They are foods from the plant kingdom, that grow out of the soil from which you are made. All the elements in the soil are found to be present in the human body. Prepare them in a simple way; lots of raw fruits and also raw vegetables, some legumes, grains, few nuts and seeds. Then you need to move so that this good food that is turned to good blood can circulate round to feed your cells with the nutrients. Combine fresh air with exercise when you walk or work outdoors. And be sure you take enough water, the average is 8-10 cups daily. For children give them water according to their weight. When the weather is hot drink more. Drink the water between meal times not with your meals, not when you are eating. And use water externally as needed for cleaning the skin and for healing. External water use helps to improve circulation and restore health. Above all rest- 7-8 hours of sleep at night (children need more hours of sleep) turn off the TV and send them to bed, then rest in God- totally learning to depend on Him with a child-like trust that He can take care of you in every sphere of your life.

If these principles are not followed then your children will have health problems. One of such dilemma we are facing today in the area of our children’s health is diarrhoea.

Let's take a look at this acute disease which when it affects children is more deadly. It has been rightly called the Killer of children. This is diarrhoea.

In most developing countries like Nigeria there is little or no health care available to the vast majority of our people. According to the 2014 Nigeria Health profile, of the total population of approximately 169 million (168,843,000), there are 4.1 physicians for every 50,000 patients.

1.8 million people die of diarrhoea each year. Unfortunately, 90% of those who die are children under the age of five.

Children die more easily because children lose water very quickly. They get dehydrated fast. A loss of 2% will make one feel sick but losing 10% may kill. Diarrhoea essentially consists of an abnormal speedy passage of food through the intestines. This inhibits food from being absorbed into the body. As the food passes out in the stool, it sucks water with it. Many times nausea and vomiting also occur, which causes more water loss. It takes a longer time for adults to lose enough to become seriously dehydrated, but babies and small children dehydrate much faster, making it more threatening and often fatal. A great way to prevent your child from getting dehydrated easily is get your child accustomed to drinking adequate water regularly. Many parents indulge their children by giving them sweet soft carbonated drinks so that they do not want to drink water. Or they simply don’t give them water at all. Do you give children sweets and biscuits in between meal times instead of water? Then you are preparing them for sickness. They need water. Clean pure water at every age in proportion to their age and weight.

Identify dehydration quickly before it becomes threatening.

The signs and symptoms to watch out for are: thirst, dry skin, fatigue, light-headedness, less frequent urination and a darker urine colour.

Babies and small children cannot tell how they are doing, so it is very important to look for the physical signs of dehydration in them. When you pinch the skin and it doesn’t flatten when released, a dry mouth, and tongue, lack of tears when crying and no wet diapers for hours are signs of dehydration. When this is further precipitated, you will see sunken abdomen, eyes and cheeks, and general slowness or irritability.

In every health problem it is necessary to know the cause. What really causes diarrhoea?

Contaminated water and food! This is where most diarrhoea is gotten. The contamination mostly comes from stool or urine from animals or people.

The contamination can happen in many ways but especially from water gotten from streams, lakes and ponds. Shallow wells and wells with no cover can be easily contaminated. When it rains drainage can enter the well and contaminate it. Flies are agents of contamination. They contaminate foods when they walk on foods. When hands are not washed after toileting they contaminate food and water.

Prevention is your first line of defense. What can you do to prevent this disease?

You must have a safe supply of water. The water you drink, cook and bathe with should ideally come from a source that cannot be contaminated by people or animals. When this is not possible water should be purified to decrease the risk of diarrhoea. You can filter out large particles with layers of cloth or another porous material, allow the water to stand so the mud can settle, then pour the clear water into a sanitized container. This will make the water clear, but may not be safe for drinking. You still need to heat the water until it boils very well, or add a small amount of bleach to the water. (2 drops of bleach to 1 litre of water, or 8 drops to one gallon).

Do you wonder how food causes diarrhoea?

Setting fruits and vegetables on the floor during transportation or at home exposes them to dirt. When they are not thoroughly washed the dirt can cause diarrhoea. Animals are often slaughtered and left in their faeces. The meat is laid on the contaminated ground and flies land freely on the meat spreading contamination. Foods should always be covered so flies do not walk on them. Be sure to wash your hands before cooking and eating. With poor electricity supply foods stored in the refrigerator spoil quickly. Left over foods should be eaten before they spoil or discarded with the slightest change in smell.

What can be done naturally to a person with diarrhoea?

The first front line is to replace lost water. And in most cases this will take care of the problem. Making the Sugar-salt solution helps the body absorb food and water. This will replenish lost water and will also slow or stop diarrhoea. (SSS: to 1 litre of water add ½ tsp. salt and 8 tsp. sugar). This treatment can prevent up to 80% of children from dying. When used by adults it will often relieve the discomfort experienced as well.

Many medicines people buy to stop diarrhea often cause complications by trapping the offending organisms in the intestine and prolonging the problem. Also medications used to treat diarrhea in adults may do little to prevent dehydration or to replenish the lost water and can be very dangerous for children.

There is a universal antidote for poison that works very well to treat diarrhea. This is activated charcoal. Charcoal is an adsorbent. It has an electrostatic ability to take up poison and being an adsorbent it holds on to the poison and it is then passed out of the body.

Charcoal can also be used to purify water. Most commercial filters have layers of charcoal that filter by adsorbing toxins. You can make simple charcoal at home that will help if you cannot get activated charcoal from sources that make them for internal use. Please do not use the charcoal on the streets that is meant for burning charcoal stove. Get activated charcoal or make some yourself. Burn hard word in a container or specially dug hole that you can cover after the wood has burnt well.The following day the charred easily breakable wood is your charcoal. Pick these out, grind to fine powder and keep in a closed container for use. If you leave the container opened you would lose the efficacy of the charcoal as it would begin adsorbing germs in the air and its pores already filled up, it loses its adsorbent quality when you are ready to use for serious problems like diarrhea.

Remember, health is not the result of chance, but of obedience to the laws of health.

Marian O Atolagbe, ND


+234 903 258 0513