Testimony corner

Healed from Inside Out

by Fawehinmi Oluwatobi

I had a cyst in my lower eyelid for more than a year, from 2016 to early 2017. I went to a clinic, used many things such as antibiotics, penicillin, and even applied urine on it. Nothing worked. The matter was deeper than I understood. I remember now a seasoned medical missionary referred to a cyst as a mini cancer.

Then it happened that I came in contact with Mannalifestyle, made changes in my diet which improved my bowel movements from once a day to twice a day(we should pass out faeces the number of times we eat per day) and gradually the cyst reduced till it dissipated.. One of the five needs of the human cell is to get toxins or waste out. This frees the body's systems thereby easing the other eliminatory organs such as the skin.

If we choose to eat the way God commands us, to live the way He directs us, health would be the result. May the Lord help us to align with His health laws.