A Poem : Bornew

It is clear to me that as I age,

Trials are sure to increase at every stage.

In response I could choose one of two ways;

To be hardened in heart as Pharaoh;

Or to be softened in heart as John.

To choose my set ways and set manners;

Or to surrender my say under God’s banner.

To choose the old man of sin, grown and set in evil ways in;

Or the new man childlike, discerning and easy to bend.

To love malice and to find everyone an enemy;

Or to be forgiving, loving, speaking the truth to all, to sundry.

To be cynical, unbelieving of what man can be;

Or to trust God as a child his father that all things are possible to him that believes, trusting Him to work His wonders as He sees fit.

to remain unconverted, wicked, unchanged;

Or to be born again, faithful, true and BORN NEW

Fawehinmi Oluwatobi.