God's way, the Psalmist says, "is in the sanctuary." Psalm 77:13. This informs us that to understand the Lord's way of salvation, we need to look to the sanctuary.
In our last article, we found that a sacrificial system was taught to Adam. Adam taught his descendants this system of offering sacrifices which served as a means of teaching them of the coming Messiah as our sacrificial Lamb 'without blemish and without spot' 1 Peter 1:19.
The sacrificial system also foreshadowed Christ's ministry as High Priest and Mediator and also as soon coming King.
During the time of Moses, God commanded, 'And let them make me a sanctuary that I may dwell among them.' Exodus 25:8. A very important instruction was given later in the same chapter, 'And look that thou make them after their pattern, which was shown thee in the mount.' vs 40. Moses was to make this sanctuary after a pattern; he had a view of the original to aid his building of a copy. He made the sanctuary "according to the fashion he had seen." Acts 7:44. The apostle Paul tells us that "the tabernacle and all the vessels of the ministry" when completed, were "the patterns of things in the heavens." Hebrews 9:21,23
In sum, the purpose of this earthly sanctuary built by Moses was simply this - to teach us humans of God's heavenly sanctuary and the work to be carried out there. This heavenly sanctuary is where the terms of the New Covenant or the everlasting gospel were to be carried out in man's behalf.
Fawehinmi Oluwatobi K
If you would like to know more or would like a free “Foundation and Pillars of the Christian Faith” study course (34 lessons by correspondence or with a Bible worker), contact the ministry through one of the contact options: Manna Lifestyle Ministry +234 705 071 1322 heavenlymanna2020@gmail.com mannalifestylehome.com