What is it that can boost your energy, increase your attention span and help you maintain or regain an ideal weight? - A good breakfast. However, many people can’t eat this morning meal. Many will rather take a cup of tea, chocolate drink, or coffee. Many children are sent to school without eating anything at all.


Is breakfast really important?

The importance has been demonstrated by a group of scientists who spent 10 years studying the effects of of breakfast and of no breakfast at all on people of different ages. They found out that a good breakfast helps both children and adults to be less irritable, more efficient and more energetic. Breakfast helped children score higher on tests written before the noon break time. The steady influx of energy apparently stabilized glucose levels in the brain, improving mental function and attention span.

Healthy breakfast is linked with less chronic disease, increased longevity and better health.

Having a good breakfast provides at least one third of the day’s calories.


What is a good breakfast?

A whole grain cereal – oats, corn, millet, guinea corn, brown rice, whole grain bread, whole fresh fruits give you a great energy level that stays high throughout the morning.

Is there any problem with just tea or a chocolate drink and white bread?

There is no fiber in these items of food. You do not digest insoluble fiber but it does absorb water as it moves through the stomach and intestines. The spongy mass acts as a gentle barrier to food particles suspended in it so that they are not absorbed too quickly. But foods without fiber, especially sugar foods and drinks, quickly pass into the blood stream, and cause blood sugar levels to rise and fall rapidly. That is why energy and efficiency levels dip at later morning hours when little fiber or no fiber-containing foods had been eaten at breakfast.


Many say “I’m not hungry till later in the morning."

The principal reason most people feel that way is because they eat a large meal in the evening. Therefore when they go to bed their stomachs are still busy digesting all the food. During sleep digestion slows down, and there is still undigested food in the stomach in the morning. And because the stomach did not get the needed rest, it does not feel like taking breakfast.

What is the solution to this dilemma?

If you do the following things, as will be described now, you’ll be ready to break the fast of the long night.

«  Eat a light supper at least 3 hours before bedtime, or even skip supper a few times.

«  Eat or drink nothing but water between

Will skipping breakfast help those who want to lose weight?

Not at all! Reliable  studies have shown clearly that not eating breakfast does not have an advantage in weight reduction. It’s actually a disadvantage since those who don’t eat breakfast actually eat more of snacks, and food all day long to replace the breakfast and then suffer a lot of significant loss in efficiency later in the morning.

Well, some don’t have time to eat breakfast!

Many not some stay up late, then sleep as long as they can in the morning. You may be one of the few people who work more efficiently at night, but this is not true for most people. It is better to go to bed early enough so you can wake up in the morning feeling refreshed and with time to spare for breakfast. Begin the day by drinking a glass or two of water. Do a little exercise- walk . Then fix breakfast, shower and dress for the day.

If you have children, this is great for them too. Put them to bed early enough so they can wake up on time to join the family at breakfast table. This is a wonderful way to start the day.

A good breakfast boosts your energy, increases your attention span and heightens your sense of well being. This way you would not have to snack and you would be better able to control your emotions.


I have heard some say one should eat heavy in the morning. How far is this helpful to our breakfast ideal?

The optimal Breakfast could consist of

Whole grain cereal such as oats, wheat, millet, or guinea corn

Whole grain bread

Beans and rice

Citrus fruits, such as oranges, tangerine, or grape fruit. Eat the whole fruit. Don’t just drink the juice

Other fruits, such as bananas, papaya, pineapple, or mango etc.

If you want to make the most of your day, fuel your body early with the right stuff. Adopt a high fiber food as described above, not a high fat and high cholesterol meal. Make a good breakfast a priority. Try it and watch out for the result.

Marian O Atolagbe, ND

+234 903 258 0513