Keep in mind that we are talking about rest. To have rest is not just to get enough sleep. It is to have rest physically, mentally and spiritually.

Will it surprise you that prayers, attending regular spiritual meetings, studying the Bible have a direct impact on  physical health? This fact is what science has discovered and is giving convincing evidences to show that physical health and spirituality are directly related. The aim of this article is to take a look at these evidences and how you can tap into it for better health.

Without a spiritual component your health is not complete. Man is made up of more than thephysical body. This law of health -Trust in God needs to be part of any health plan. It is not new that many times we lose our focus and other things become more important. But without this key aspect of life, we end up feeling empty and unsatisfied.

You might have asked before,  can one really ever get satisfied?

We dream of wealth, fame and success, of having what we want and doing as we please. The point however is that there is no multimillionaire who isn’t itching for a bigger contract. Or a wealthy celebrity who hasn’t felt drawn to do yet another commercial, endorse a bigger product or produce a new book. Where is the business executive who wouldn’t jump at the next big deal or lust after another merger? Look also at teenagers - which one of them is satisfied with his or her looks? Clothes? Friends?

Generally, humans appear to be creatures of insatiable desires. It seems our desires are never met and we keep aspiring to have more, craving for more, for something better.

This could be the reason why so many turn to alcohol or other drugs.

When life becomes more fast-paced, people often feel pressured and stressed and can become so disappointed and even hopeless, that they become increasingly willing to gamble their health and even their lives on almost anything that promises relief no matter how temporary. The society admonishes “follow your feelings”, “if it feels good, do it”, “Hurry, life is passing you by”. But, lasting joy and well-being don’t come from bottles and pills. No one can buy peace of mind. You cannot buy gratitude and compassion at the chemist's or in the side streets.

These good things - joy and peace come through cultivation of our spiritual nature. The Bible says our carnal or fleshy or natural feelings lead  to negative results like immorality, debauchery, selfish ambition, drunken orgies, fits of rage (I John 2:16, Colossians 3:5). But God wants better things for us, such as peace, joy, and healing, (Galatians 5: 19-21).

These spiritual themes are really relevant to life today and that is how to have real rest- peace, joy, goodwill, real happiness..

Take a look at addiction to alcohol for instance. The medical miracles and the technological advances of the past half-century have hardly touched this disease. Only a program based on the recognition of human helplessness and the acceptance of a Higher Power has been able to consistently give effective treatment with the best long-term results. ( e.g. Alcohol Anonymous). Human solutions without divine aid has failed to help in all such situations.

Many today are searching for a renewal of values, of faith, and increasing acceptance not only for a Higher Power but for a personal, caring God.


Could this be just another fad?

No, not at all. This need has strong roots in reality. One of the most exciting breakthroughs in recent years has been the discovery of the strong and close interconnectedness of the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual components of  human beings.

For centuries it was believed that body, mind, and spirit were separate entities that functioned independent of each other. But there is a radical shift from this view today.

Now it is known that things like anger, fear, resentment and distrust can actually produce negative effects on the body that weaken the immune system and open the door to disease. At the same time it is known that emotions like love, joy, faith, and trust produce protective substances that strengthen the immune system and protect the body from disease. Harboring bitterness and hatred, nurturing negative thoughts and feelings can make us sick: cherishing positive thoughts and feelings can make us well. Yes, make us get well from sickness!

So, how can you cultivate your  “spiritual nature”?

It involves getting to know your Bible, singing praise songs, and praying for the special “fruit of the Spirit” that God wants you to possess- “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness, self-control." (Galatians 5: 22, 23).

Psalms 139:14 says you are “fearfully and wonderfully made”. You didn’t arrive in this world with only minimal equipment needed for survival. You were  given a conscience to keep you on track: a full range of feelings and emotions to enrich your life, and a brain that you can never use up or wear out.

If you have not found out, let me assure you that Health and fitness programs as great as they are, are not really enough. Neither can wealth, fame, good looks, nor power. God has reserved a “special place” for Himself in every person’s heart: as long as that space is vacant, everything this world has to offer will not fill it.

The ultimate lifestyle will be a life of spiritual growth that will supply the missing pieces and fill the empty spaces. The results will be a life of quality and fulfillment that will stretch into eternity


Good health as good as that is, is definitely not the pinnacle of existence. Many who are healthy carry within themselves a deep longing for something more. At the root of our being is the need for greater purpose and meaning in life.

Like all things of value, cultivating the spiritual side of our nature takes an investment of time. Attention must be shifted from immediate concerns to deeper, more eternal issues. You need to take time for stillness, away from the commotion and noise of our everyday lives. You need to explore the deeper side of yourself, to read inspiring words, not just to walk in the sunshine and fresh air. Not just to drink enough water, eat rich nutrient dense food, etc. In sum, it is all of the laws –Pure Air, sunlight, self control, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power.


“Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospereth” 3 John 2.

Marian O Atolagbe, ND


+234 903 258 0513