The universal Solvent, the universal thinner or flush- Water! Water is used both internally and externally. Water is the most important fluid for everyone. Consider that without this fluid or the inadequate intake of it would cause one to experience more body odour, bad breath and unpleasant smelling urine. This could be likened to  trying to wash your dirty plates with inadequate amount of water. 

The habit of not drinking enough water makes it hard for the body to excrete waste. “In health and in sickness, pure water is one of Heaven's choicest blessings. Its proper use promotes health. It is the beverage, which God provided to quench the thirst of animals and man. Drank freely, it helps to supply the necessities of the system, and assists nature to resist disease.  {TSDF 151.2}  E.G. White -Testimony studies on Diet and Foods. If you understand this statement which is so true, then why do you not drink enough water?

Could it be that there is scarcity of water that makes it difficult for most people to get enough water to drink to cater for their body’s needs? We think not.

Wherever water is scarce people still find water to use as without water no one can live for long.  If you don’t drink water the body would die, as your cells cannot survive without water. So the problem is not the scarcity of water, the problem is that people have now found more palatable drinks and do not want to drink plain simple water. There are carbonated soft drinks, beer, tea, coffee and other beverages that are consumed in large quantities. For many, plain water has become unpopular that so few people will reach for water as their beverage of choice.

Do not buy into the idea that since all these other drinks contain water; it doesn’t matter if water is not taken.  Not true. The chemical properties of water are altered once any other substance is added to it.  Many people are unaware of the unusual and unique properties of water. Do you know that 70% of our earth is ocean water and 65% of your body is water. Then it is hard not to be aware of how important water is to your life

With your body about 65% water, and your kidneys processing more than 175 liters of water in a day. It is absolutely necessary that you drink enough of this tasteless, no calorie, and salt free substance called water because water to your body is like oil to a car engine. It’s the wonder lubricant that makes everything else work. Water is what your body needs to carry out all its life processes. Water is the healthiest beverage to drink. It has been described among nutrients as a “neglected, unappreciated and under researched”

Amazingly, it costs less and is absolutely essential for the body. Beverages other than water pose special problems for the body. Most have calories that must be digested as food. Such calories may produce extra fat, blood sugar fluctuations, and a slowed digestion resulting in fermentation. Many of these beverages increase the secretion of acid in the stomach; some contain phosphoric acid that depletes the body’s calcium supplies, thus contributing to brittle bones.

The unknown fact is that you need extra water to digest these beverages. Alcohol and caffeine for instance dehydrate the body because they work like diuretics (chemicals that make you urinate) meaning you lose more water afterwards.  This can contribute to fatigue, dry skin, indigestion and headaches. So if you drink anyone of these beverages you would  need to drink extra glasses of water.

 Would you do yourself some good to get a glass of water to drink?

Marian O Atolagbe, ND


+234 903 258 0513