There are eight basic laws of health and these laws are also the eight natural remedies. These are the ways to preserve health and to regain health. They are –Pure Air, sunlight, self control, rest, exercise, proper diet, the use of water, trust in divine power. These are the true remedies. Proper diet is one of these laws of health. The second is just as important, and that is Exercise!

Supposing you have chosen and you continue to eat the best nutrient dense foods. The best nutrient dense foods are foods that are chosen from the plant kingdom and prepared in a simple way. Taking care not to lose the nutrients through overcooking or too much processing. Make it simple is the general rule. Eat a lot of raw fruits and also raw vegetables. Then you need to move so that this good food that is turned to good blood can circulate round to feed your cells with the nutrients.

In the beginning, according to the Bible, in Gen 2:15, it is written:

And the Lord God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

Unfortunately, today, many people are involved in jobs that keep them on a seat for most of the hours of the day. Many are dealing with overweight and many illnesses that result from sedentary lifestyle (inactive lifestyle).Exercise has been referred to as modern fountain of youth.

Do you want your strength renewed as a youth? How can you find the fountain of youth the fabled explorers were looking for? They wanted to find the secret spring that would maintain perpetual youth when people were dying in early adulthood of infectious diseases. Currently there is improved sanitation and hygiene and also antibiotics that have greatly reduced those diseases.

However, the battle has shifted to lifestyle diseases. It’s not the communicable diseases that the health care system is really faced with now. The problems that are now stealing away our energy, disabling us prematurely and killing us very slowly are the lifestyle diseases.

Once you have a proper diet in place, you need to move so the body can be exercised. The wonderful news is that greater vitality; better health and longer life can be yours through regular, brisk, physical activity. This is the fountain of youth.

Vitality, health, and longevity are closely tied with whether you take regular physical activities or not.

“ Action is a law of our being. Every organ of the body has its appointed work, upon the performance of which its development and strength depend. The normal action of all the organs gives strength and vigor, while the tendency of disuse is toward decay and death. Bind up an arm, even for a few weeks, then free it from its bands, and you will see that it is weaker than the one you have been using moderately during the same time. Inactivity produces the same effect upon the whole muscular system.

Inactivity is a fruitful cause of disease. Exercise quickens and equalizes the circulation of the blood, but in idleness the blood does not circulate freely, and the changes in it, so necessary to life and health, do not take place. The skin, too, becomes inactive. Impurities are not expelled as they would be if circulation had been quickened by vigorous exercise, the skin kept in a healthy condition, and the lungs fed with plenty of pure, fresh air. This state of system throws a double burden on the excretory organs, and disease is the result.” The Ministry of Healing 238, 239

Have you heard of the adage “ Use it or lose it”? This does not refer only to muscles and bones but also to hearts, lungs, brains, blood vessels, joints and every other part of the body. A sedentary lifestyle is a direct road to an earlier grave. Inactivity kills. Some may live long but if that life is not a quality life with energy, good health, and usefulness, then it’s really a drag.

Even “Invalids (patients, sick persons) should not be encouraged in inactivity. Yes, entire rest is needed in serious ill health for a time. But it is seldom necessary to suspend all activity. Some outdoor activity according to the strength and condition should be embarked upon each day for about an hour or so.

What are ways in which physical exercise will help you live longer and better?

You will feel good when you exercise. Life becomes more interesting. You produce hormones that are health promoting.

Exercise strengthens the heart. Do you know that every third person dies of heart disease and vascular disease in the world today? So, whatever will strengthen the heart becomes of great importance. Exercise will strengthen the heart.

Exercise lowers blood pressure and resting heart rate, therefore protecting the heart and blood vessels.

Exercise lowers LDL cholesterol (the bad cholesterol) levels in the blood and will raise HDL cholesterol (the good one), so decreasing heart and vascular risk.

Exercise strengthens bones by helping to retain calcium and other minerals.

Exercise lifts depression. One of the most valuable tools for fighting depression is outdoor exercise.

So, get up, go out and move!

Marian O Atolagbe, ND


+234 903 258 0513